Welcome to Wellness. Let our dedicated staff point you in the right direction.

We have teamed up with local Medical Staff to give you a leg up on the road to Wellness. If you need help and you are referred to the Y let us help you get started. Our trainers can pick the right track for you in the Y and keep you motivated. Start with an intake and we will get you on the right track. For more info please contact our Healthy Living Director Kelly kknower@ymcaathol.org


Clinical Tracks

Track 1: Livestrong at the YMCA

A FREE 12-week, small group program for adult cancer survivors held at the Athol Area YMCA. This class is recommended for individuals who have finished their cancer treatment and are looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Our LIVESTRONG certified instructors will offer support and guidance throughout the program and beyond.

Track 2: Weight Management

Weight gain is associated with so many negative health effects from diabetes to heart disease. Join us for this new program! This is a lifestyle change program with an emphasis on your waistline. Let our coaches help you on your way to a healthier you. This program is a mix of group based discussion and hands on experience. Trust our expert staff that have been trained in both lifestyle coaching in addition to their other backgrounds to provide you a one of a kind experience to make a healthier you!

Track 3: Enhance® Fitness

Each class session includes cardiovascular, strength training, balance and flexibility exercises and the fostering of strong social relationships between participants. Enhance®Fitness is geared toward older adults. Those with a chronic condition, such as arthritis, need not worry; they will never have to do anything that hurts. Participants can use chairs for support, if necessary, and increase the weight they use for strength training at their own pace.


Supportive Tracks

Each supportive track is eligible for financial assistance without paperwork to ease start!

Track 4: Chronic Stress Relief

Chronic stress has been shown to increase weight in adults. We have many stress relief options within the Y’s walls to provide you a more holistic thought process. Join us for some mindfulness as well as some yoga to complete that mind-body connection.

Track 5: Rehabilitation

Looking for a place to rehabilitate after your Physical Therapy sessions are over? Get the added help of our staff helping you to set goals and check in with you over the course of 12 weeks to make your rehab habit instead of heading back to old habits.

Track 6: Aquatics:/Movement Exploration or Aquatic Therapy

Join us for a combination of water fitness and movement exploration with loaded movement training and reconditioning.

Track 7: Health & Wellness

A look into activity. Our fitness center is the perfect place to start your fitness journey. Whether getting on to our treadmills or getting familiar with our new line of strength equipment, we have the perfect place to start building your routine. We also offer a robust Group Exercise Schedule. Map it out with us.